Where the Money Goes
I donated $200.00
Where did the money go?
1) For each participant who donates $200 the team receives $60. Take the number of player donations for a team x $60.00 = Team money.
2) Team fundraisers -- 100% fundraised by a team goes to the team. An example of how these funds can be used is the football team's Texas trip.
3) Direct payment by families -- this includes money families pay for things such as personal spirit wear etc.
The total of these 3 components are the amount a team has available to buy special uniforms, equipment, transportation, go to out of county tournaments such as the football team's Texas trip, pay for banquets, awards and so much more.
What happens to the rest of money if the team recieves $60.00?
The rest of the particpation donation ($140.00) is used to cover the fixed expenses such as, personnel (Coaches, assistant coaches, sports trainer), referees, officials, and League fees, plus equipment, uniforms, SCCAL League games, CCS Tournament Fees, and CIF State Championships. These expenses add up to over $200,000.00 per year.
SVHS averages about 500 athletes paying their participation donation, which raises only $62,500, less than half of what we pay the SVUSD each year for our athletics program.
It still isn't enough. Now what?
In order to raise the rest, the Falcon Club holds fundraisers throughout the year. The proceeds from these fundraisers support ALL of the athletic programs at SVHS and are a critical component of keeping sports alive at SVHS.
Thank you.
We sincerely thank the parents and supporters who faithfully make their participation donation each season; our athletic program would not exist without you! The Falcon Club is a 501.c.3 organization; as such your participation donation, and other donations you may make to your athlete’s team or to the Club are tax deductible.