How Does Drive for Schools Work?
Is your student participating in a sport this year?
The Falcon Club provides the majority of funding for all SVHS sports teams. The Falcon Club requests a donation of $200 per student, per sport to run the teams.
The Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Drive For Schools Program is an easy and fun way to cover that $200! (see the other side for more on ordering your Drive for Schools drawing tickets)
No matter what sport nor what season, here’s how it works:
1. Fill out the form on the back and return it on SOAR Day or anytime until October 13th. to the front office
2. 100% of funds from the sale of drawing tickets goes to the Falcon Club and is directly credited to your students sport under his or her name.
3. Your student can either sell the tickets or your family can purchase them for themselves (most popular option!).
4. You will be contacted early September to pick up your Drive 4 Schools drawing tickets.
5. Return your tickets stubs (all filled out) and any outstanding monies to the front office by mid October. The drawing is at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and will be on a date to be announced later.
6. Checks are made out to: SVHS Falcon Club
The Falcon Club has supported SVHS sports since the high school was founded. The Falcon Club is primarily funded through Participation Donations & Falcon Club Fundraisers.
We sincerely thank the parents and supporters who faithfully make their participation donation each season; our athletic program would not exist without you!
In the 2021/22 school year, The Drive for Schools program raised over $33,000 for the Falcon Club. 2020/21 raised an incredible pandemic affected $12,000! Please contact Lorraine Strassman for any questions or for additional order forms and tickets at fcdriveforschools@gmail.com